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Cheesecake for the win!

So I promised you pictures of the cheesecake, and here it is in all its, um, glory?

My inspired cheesecake, looking rather like a giant meat pie
My inspired cheesecake, looking rather like a giant meat pie

I did have wonderful things planned for the presentation of the cake, but due to a miscommunication about the cream that I’d reserved for it, a frantic search for my piping set, with thoughts that I could buy cream on the way, and eventually getting to the dinner party just as everyone else finished their mains… well, my cheesecake remained undecorated.  However, somehow that didn’t seem to lessen its appeal.  Even as I was walking through to the kitchen with it covered in the enormous cake carrier, a call went around the party “is that cheesecake?”, “Did someone say cheesecake?”, “I heard there was cheesecake!”. Continue reading Cheesecake for the win!