When my lovely friend Sadie from Ever So Scrumptious invited me to be part of her unofficial Wellington on a Plate event, Cheapskate on a Plate, I knew immediately what I was going to make, and that I wanted to make it from as locally-sourced ingredients as possible.

Part of the deal, is of course, coming up with the best name and description, so I give you:
There’s no Gingernut tastes quite the same baked cheesecake
For generations, Griffins Gingernuts were baked in the factory at the foot at the Wainuiomata Hill. Sadly, that factory is no longer baking, but the Gingernuts packed into the base of this cheesecake made the pilgrimage back to the closest dairy to the former site. Topped with creamy organic delights from Zany Zeus in Morea, blended with Alicetown backyard free range eggs from a frizzle (brown eggs), a blue leghorn (white egg), and an araucana* (blue egg), and for a touch of the exotic, ginger from Thailand.
*Yes, you can see the actual chicken that laid the blue egg if you click the link. Her name is Quasimodo.
Pictures of the finished cake to come…