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I <3 Felt Wednesday Showcase - It's the little things

Opps, look at the date! How did July roll around so quickly?

I’ve always thought of July as treat month. Not just because so many people I know have birthdays around now, but also because I think we all need the odd little treat in July just to remind us that Winter isn’t really that unbearable. So I’ve put together a few little treats that I found on Felt, little luxuries to make life a little easier as we wait for spring to roll around (and I’m ever adament that spring starts in August!)

Honey and Spice make delicious sounding lip balms, for a very reasonable price, and given what winter does to my lips, little luxuries like this are pretty much a necessity.  As is a good hand cream, to stop the cold air taking its toll.  I’m on my second lot of Sabine’s No Snag – it really is such a nice moisturiser, I thoroughly recommend it.

I’ve picked a cuff by Fireworks, a local Wellington jeweller.  I love looking at her work, as the shapes are so intricate and beautiful.  I think I would feel incredibly elegant wearing any of her pieces.  Speaking of feeling elegant, one mustn’t forget beautiful lingerie.  By Nature Bamboo Lingerie did a photoshoot recently, and I love the old-worldy feeling they created with their bush boudoir setting.

I tend to spend much of winter feeling sorry for myself because it’s so cold.  Until I remember my mum telling me that you lose 50% of your body heat through your head.  At which point if I’m lucky I also remember to put a hat on.  Isn’t this one by poppy&bee snuggly looking!

Which leaves Little Ladies’ Vogue Ladies.  I would love to one day add one of Anmea’s originals to my collection of tiles that I’ve bought from her.  One day.

And oops, look at the date.  Apparently we’re one day further into July than we were when I started this post.

Night all!


~ Spearmint Lip balm ~
3 Metal Cuff #3



Vogue Ladies
Piha Newsboy